Rompecabezas, juegos y kits de bricolaje.
Whether you're looking for the challenge of a jigsaw puzzle, the competition of a board game, or a quick, casual game of cards, Audubon's new line of puzzles and games has something for everyone!
Our line includes 18 colorful piece puzzles, ranging from a 100-piece kids puzzle, to 300-piece EZ Grip puzzles, to challenging 1000-piece puzzles. We also offer a set of playing cards with species IDs for all birds featured, as well as a nature-themed board game titled Bird-Spotting Opoly in which players aim to collect North America's most iconic feathered friends.
Plus, check out our newest DIY paint kits for kids. Designed to be a fun introductory project for kids interested in birds, each kit includes an unassembled bird feeder or birdhouse, and project materials like paint and colorful stickers.
Here's a quick guide to all of our puzzles, games, and craft kits, all of which can be found here.
Bird Spotting Opoly Board Game
DIY Paint Kits for Kids
1000-Piece Jigsaw Puzzles
- Songbird Field Guide
- Backyard Birds
- Songbird Collage
- Lake Life
- Perched
- Spring Gathering
- Snow Birds
- Morning Garden
- Birdhouse Village
- Autumn Feathers
- Garden of Song
- Colorful Companions
300-Piece EZ Grip Jigsaw Puzzles
100-Piece Kids Puzzle
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