Boreal Forests

Fox Sparrow sitting on a tree branch.
The Fox Sparrow
March 20, 2023 — Celebrating this beloved sparrow on World Sparrow Day!
Rainbow over Pimachiowin Aki.
A Rainbow Over Pimachiowin Aki
March 07, 2023 — "The Land that Gives Life"
A group of community scientists participating in the Christmas Bird Count.
Audubon’s Geoff LeBaron Speaks Before the Parliament of Canada’s Committee on Science and Research
February 13, 2023
The Ni Hat’Ni Dene Guardians pose in front of a sign they just set up welcoming newcomers to the Thaidene Nëné National Park Reserve.
Behind the Lens
February 09, 2023 — Filmmaker Christine Lin details her trip to Thaidene Nene to film her upcoming documentary “Watchers of the Land”.
Canada Geese in flight over water.
Seeing the Geese in Chevron Flight
January 13, 2023 — My story of banding Canada Geese in the Hudson Bay Lowlands
COP15 sign outside of the Palais de Congres in Montreal.
A Conservation Gift to the World Was Wrapped in Montreal
December 20, 2022 — Reflections on COP15 and the new Global Biodiversity Framework.
Greater Yellowlegs
Deninu Kųę́ First Nation Shares Results from 2021 Acoustic Bird Survey
December 15, 2022 — Press release from the Deninu Kųę́ First Nation
James Bay on the day we started the bird survey.
My Great Birding Adventure
November 23, 2022 — Bird surveying in Northern Quebec
Fall Migration Reminds Us It is Time to Take Action on Biodiversity Loss
October 06, 2022
Ross's Geese and Snow Geese
Land Worth Protecting
September 01, 2022 — Indigenous-led efforts are keeping bird habitat safe in Manitoba