Boreal Forests

New Tracking Tower Reveals 2,000-mile Shorebird Connection
August 26, 2022 — With migration in full swing, three radio-tagged dowitchers make the same journey to Audubon sanctuary.
Lesser Yellowlegs wading in water.
Yellowlegs Mysteries Revealed
August 11, 2022 — Scientists using radio tags and towers are learning how these shorebirds travel from the Boreal to Colombia and back again.
A bird with a black head and black-and-white body swims on water alongside some purple flowers
A New Indigenous Protected Area Emerges on Hudson Bay
June 03, 2022 — The Seal River Watershed Alliance will help protect 12 million acres of lakes, rivers, and lands.
Flock of Canada Geese in flight.
The Avian Flu in Canada
May 26, 2022
Biodiversity Day logo: May 22
22 Actions You Can Take for Birds
May 19, 2022 — Celebrating the International Day for Biological Diversity on 5/22/22
Red-winged Blackbird are early spring arrivals in Maine.
Flying North
May 12, 2022 — Migratory birds are on the move and many are bound for the Boreal.
Blackburnian Warbler on a branch.
From the Boreal Forest to the Tropical Forest
May 02, 2022 — Protecting the Blackburnian Warbler requires a hemispheric approach.
Boreal Forest of Canada.
Breathing In, Breathing Out
April 21, 2022 — Our deep relationship with the trees of the Boreal Forest.
Red-throated Loon swimming.
Indigenous-led conservation in Hudson and James Bays
February 14, 2022 — Protecting Cultural Heritage, Biodiversity, and an Essential Stopover Site for Red-throated Loons
Three Greater Yellowlegs.
The Important Role of “Swamplands” in the Fight Against Climate Change
December 01, 2021 — A look to the Hudson Bay Lowlands