Birds in the News

How to Get Hummingbirds to Come to Your City
April 07, 2015 — A makeshift green space can serve as a rest stop for these tiny travelers.
Braving the Elements
April 07, 2015 — Slow-motion video shows how hummingbirds stay the course in bad weather.
Are Brightly Colored Males Really the Best Mates?
April 06, 2015 — New research is questioning one of the most accepted theories about bird feathers and sexual selection.
Owls Do Not Enjoy Joy Rides
April 03, 2015 — The do’s and don’ts of helping injured owls.
Don’t Feed the Waterfowl
April 02, 2015 — You don’t like stale bread, and neither do birds.
New South American Bird Species Discovered in Old Museum Drawer
March 31, 2015 — A group of tropical passerines adds another member to its ranks (sort of).
Aboot Time
March 31, 2015 — Enthusiastic Canadians are debating which bird to select as their national symbol.
Abundant Geese, Coming Right Up
March 30, 2015 — Is eating overpopulous animals a good conservation strategy?
The Brassiest Bird in the West
March 27, 2015 — This resourceful bird persists on the rugged range.
Early to Bed, Early to Rise
March 26, 2015 — Does the unexpected darkness during a solar eclipse have any effect on birds?