Birds in the News

Science (and Swans) in the Stars
March 24, 2015 — A new kind of violent star collision has been identified near the Cygnus constellation.
What the Island Scrub-Jay Means for Conservation
March 23, 2015 — New research shows how one species is evolving in an unusual way.
Why Do Birds Masturbate?
March 20, 2015 — Tom Price aims to answer an unorthodox, and little-studied, question about avian behavior.
Global Study Reveals the Extent of Habitat Fragmentation
March 20, 2015 — Shattered forests are bad news for birds' survival.
Cloudy With a Chance of Cholera
March 20, 2015 — Disease hit a flock of Snow Geese traveling home this weekend, with grim results.
The Peacock's 'Tuneful' Tail Feathers
March 19, 2015 — Researchers find that peacocks use their trains to issue infrasonic cues.
A Nightingale Fairy Tale
March 18, 2015 — There's a legend that the bird's song saved a Chinese emperor from the cusp of death.
Bald Eagle Parents Get Buried By Snow While Incubating Eggs
March 17, 2015 — Rain, shine, or snow, one Bald Eagle pair in southern Pennsylvania refused to abandon their eggs.
A Bald Eagle’s Snowy Descent
March 16, 2015 — James Neiger finds the famed raptor mid-plunge.
Nearly a Million Songbirds Trapped in Cyprus's 'Killing Fields'
March 13, 2015 — Poachers grew gardens of acacia to conduct illegal activities on a British military base.