
Orange County Oil Spill of Extreme Concern to Migrating Seabirds
October 04, 2021 — “It is time to stop putting our coastal birds and communities at risk from the oil industry.”
Biden Administration Restores Migratory Bird Treaty Act Protections
September 29, 2021 — The Fish and Wildlife Service will again hold companies liable for incidental bird deaths, and will work with industry to prevent them.
An Atlantic Puffin flies against a pale blue sky carrying a stack of translucent, small fish inside its curved black and orange beak.
Scientists Just Discovered a Seabird Hotspot. It's Already at Climate Risk.
September 22, 2021 — Winter cyclones, responsible for killing seabirds every year, are projected to intensify right where millions of birds overwinter in the North Atlantic.
A Video Captures the Dreadful Toll Window Strikes Take on Migrating Birds
September 16, 2021 — Grisly visuals from New York City show mass bird death, but they're just a glimpse of what happens in cities nationwide.
Despite a Pledge to Ban It, Oil and Gas Permitting Is Up Under Biden
August 12, 2021 — Legal and political realities seem to have tempered the administration’s ambitions for ending fossil fuel extraction on federal lands.
With Protections Restored for Alaska's Tongass, What's Next?
August 09, 2021 — The Biden administration's plans for the old-growth forest and the region's economy have tribal leaders cautiously optimistic.
Pesticide Spraying in the West Targets a Food Source for Declining Birds
August 06, 2021 — As swarms of grasshoppers chew through grasslands, environmentalists worry chemical pest controls hold unintended consequences for wildlife.
Emperor Penguins Proposed for Listing Under Endangered Species Act
August 04, 2021 — The Antarctic seabirds may qualify as a ‘threatened’ species due to climate change. But without reducing carbon emissions, can the listing help them?
Bird Safety a Concern in National Push to Build More Power Lines
July 29, 2021 — A carbon-free power sector will require vast new transmission infrastructure, but it shouldn't come at the cost of wildlife, advocates say.
Congress Is Set to Remove a Longstanding Barrier to Listing Greater Sage-Grouse Under the Endangered Species Act
July 22, 2021 — For years, an obscure budget provision has blocked the federal government from protecting the fast-declining birds. That may be about to change.