
Sure, He’s Retired, but This Conservation Legend Isn’t Slowing Down
July 16, 2021 — Carrol Henderson rescued Minnesota’s Peregrine Falcons and Trumpeter Swans. Can he save this heron rookery before it’s too late?
Biden Administration to Restore Protections For Alaska’s Tongass National Forest
July 15, 2021 — USDA announces a new strategy to protect old-growth trees that are important to local communities, birds, and the planet.
How to Catch a Rat
July 14, 2021 — In 2019 a Mexican island that harbors 95 percent of the world’s Black-vented Shearwaters received an unwanted vermin visitor. To nab the interloper, Isla Natividad’s human inhabitants had to get creative.
Three lost birds that have been rediscovered in the last two decades. Left to right: Black-browed Babbler, Blue-eyed Ground-Dove, and the Madagascar Pochard.
The Quest for ‘Lost’ Birds Delivers Highs and Lows
July 13, 2021 — Thousands of species exist in a liminal space of conservation—they haven't been seen in a long time, but that doesn't mean they are extinct. Groups hope to crowdsource more rediscoveries.
The Violent Cost of Conservation
July 07, 2021 — Each year more people die while attempting to protect the world’s most biodiverse places. It’s a trend poised to devastate the planet itself. How can we stem the rising tide of attacks to ensure a safer future for us all?
Is the Attwater's Prairie-Chicken Starting to Make a Comeback?
June 23, 2021 — The endangered subspecies has been in trouble for two decades, but recent data suggests the bird's population is booming in the wild.
Biden's Silence on Minnesota Oil Pipeline Frustrates Advocates
June 22, 2021 — Line 3, a comparable project to the canceled Keystone XL pipeline, runs counter to the president's stated climate and environmental goals.
Meet Nish and Nellie, Ohio's First Nesting Piping Plovers In 83 Years
June 17, 2021 — With a full clutch of four eggs, the pair are yet another sign of the endangered species' rebound in the Great Lakes region.
Inside the Growing Movement to Make Ecocide an International Crime
June 17, 2021 — Lawyers will take a major step this month toward putting environmental destruction on the same level as war crimes and genocide.
After Controversy, the Duck Stamp Contest May No Longer Require Hunting Scenes
June 16, 2021 — The Biden administration signaled it wants to overturn a rule change that upset artists and fueled worries about fewer dollars for protecting habitat.