
Farms With Natural Habitat Gain More Benefits From Birds
March 23, 2022 — A study finds that weaving wild patches into farmland can attract more beneficial species, reducing crop damage and risks to food safety.
Pesticide Spraying on National Wildlife Refuges Needs to Stop, Advocates Say
March 15, 2022 — Green groups are urging the federal government to ban harmful agricultural chemicals on public lands set aside for vulnerable species.
The Klamath Basin’s Water Crisis Is a Growing Disaster for Waterfowl
March 11, 2022 — Some of the continent’s most important wetland habitat is drying up. Without urgent action, we may be witnessing the death of a flyway.
Red-throated Loon swimming.
Indigenous-led conservation in Hudson and James Bays
February 14, 2022 — Protecting Cultural Heritage, Biodiversity, and an Essential Stopover Site for Red-throated Loons
A Court Ruling Could Clear the Way for Biden to Confront Oil and Gas
February 09, 2022 — Citing climate change, a judge threw out the largest sale of drilling rights in U.S. history, raising questions about the legal basis for future leasing.
As Threats to Chile’s Birds Grow, a New Strategy Promises Stronger Protections
February 04, 2022 — Advocates are optimistic that the just-launched bird conservation framework will catch on throughout Latin America.
National Audubon Society Announces New Executive Appointments in Conservation and Organizational Leadership
January 27, 2022 — Marshall Johnson and Justin Stokes take the helm of conservation strategy, and Allison Vogt directs the Office of the CEO.
Critics Say Biden Must Do More to Keep Arctic Oil in the Ground
January 24, 2022 — A new plan would protect a major bird-breeding hotspot but maintain industry access to billions of barrels of Alaskan crude.
A plump gray bird with a black head and dark wing and tail tips perches on a slim branch, standing out against the green canopy behind it.
The Encouraging Comeback of the Azores Bullfinch
January 04, 2022 — At a time when most European bird populations are shrinking, the recovery of a Portuguese songbird is a bright spot that underscores the importance of habitat restoration.
pipes lay across a partially constructed island of light-colored sand. the island is near shore, but surrounded by water.
One Good Turn Deserves Another
January 03, 2022 — A dredging operation provides material to restore Crab Bank, an important seabird sanctuary in Charleston Harbor.