
A man rides a horse through an area green with shrubs and cactuses. Behind him are small buildings at the foot of a steep mountain ridge.
The Grand Dream of an International Park With Mexico Meets a Complicated Reality
December 20, 2021 — Much has changed since F.D.R. called for a great transboundary conservation area spanning the Rio Grande, but the vision lives on. Is it an idea whose time has come—or come and gone?
On Oneida Wetlands, Bird Surveys Affirm Tribal Conservation Success
December 16, 2021 — A recent collaboration between Wisconsin birders and the Oneida Nation demonstrates how the tribe's decades-long habitat restoration paid off.
Two images are shown on split screen: On the left, a man hikes across a rocky island made of sharp limestone, which looms over the frame. On the right, in close-up: a fish is pressed into the gullet of a young petrel from a gloved hand. Scientists hand-feed and raise young birds after moving them from nests and onto a safer island.
It Takes a Helicopter Parent to Rescue a Rare Seabird from Extinction
December 16, 2021 — Raising the world’s entire population of Bermuda Petrels, or Cahows, requires undivided attention—and a relentless drive to see them succeed.
Against a bright orange backdrop, this illustration depicts a white bucket filled with dead animals. At the top of the bucket are a black raccoon and orange songbird with its feet pointing straight up.
The Internet Has a Rat Poison Problem
December 08, 2021 — How online sales of highly regulated, super-toxic rodenticides exploit gaps in the law and imperil wildlife.
An aerial view of the Seal River Watershed.
An Indigenous Alliance Rallies to Conserve the Summer Home of Millions of Birds
November 30, 2021 — The Sayisi Dene and their Cree, Dene, and Inuit neighbors are surveying the remote avian habitats of the Seal River Watershed to help support their case for permanent protection.
Mule deer walk through an underpass beneath a road. One deer jumps over a fence, while others stand in the foreground.
The Infrastructure Bill Injects Billions Into Repairing and Reconnecting Habitats
November 30, 2021 — From wildlife crossings to sagebrush restoration, the newly enacted legislation is a boon for biodiversity, advocates say.
Aquatic plants rest on and rise above the surface of still water, with moss-draped trees in the background.
Ending Uncertainty Over Clean Water Rules Will Put Biden Officials to the Test
November 22, 2021 — How to define 'waters of the United States' has high stakes for many essential bird habitats—and it's more complicated than it sounds.
You Found a Bird That Crashed Into a Window. Now What?
November 18, 2021 — Building strikes are an unfortunately common occurrence, especially during migration season. Here’s what to do if you find a collision victim.
Democrats’ Big Spending Bill Would Kick Oil Companies Out of the Arctic Refuge
November 08, 2021 — Ending a mandate to develop the refuge is a small but critical piece of what would be the country’s biggest-ever investments in climate protections.
A grid displays photos of eight birds—all of the remaining Kaua'i forest birds. They come in shades of yellow, red, and brown.
Mosquitoes to the Rescue! The Last-Ditch Effort to Save Kaua‘i’s Endangered Birds
November 04, 2021 — A modern twist on controversial biocontrol methods aims to make disease-carrying mosquitoes in Hawaii turn on themselves.