
One of These Chicks Does Not Belong in This Nest
July 07, 2017 — To identify the imposter, start with the adult.
Goodbye Thayer’s Gull, Hello Cassia Crossbill: This Year's Changes to the Official List of North American Birds
July 06, 2017 — The American Ornithological Society’s 2017 updates are here. Study up.
Birdist Rule #78: Go Find an Exotic Bird in the U.S.
June 29, 2017 — There are established populations all over the country, and some species even count toward your life list. They're also just thrilling to see.
How to Tell Vireos From Warblers, Flycatchers, and Kinglets
June 28, 2017 — Before you start identifying vireos, you need to stop confusing them with other similar families of songbirds.
Better Know a Bird: The Wild and Kinky Mating Rituals of the Crested Auklet
June 26, 2017 — These quirky birds spend their summers decked out in fluorescent bill plates, extravagant headdresses, and tangerine perfume—and they pass the time with rambunctious sex parties.
A Life in Pursuit of Vireos
June 23, 2017 — An illustrious birder outlines the highs (and lows) of chasing these songbirds of summer.
Birdist Rule #57: It's Summer—Watch Out for Juveniles!
June 22, 2017 — Baby birds are about to be on the loose, but identifying them can be tricky.
In Search of the Gray-headed Chickadee, the Most Mysterious Bird in the U.S.
June 21, 2017 — Audubon’s chief scientist recounts his trek to the threatened Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, one of the last havens for one of the rarest birds in North America.
Teakettle, Cheeseburger . . . Pidaro? The Case for Using Real Words to Remember Bird Songs
June 20, 2017 — Some bird guides eschew words for more literal translations of a bird's song, but doing so ignores the point of mnemonic devices: aiding memory.
A Beginner’s Guide to Recording Bird Vocalizations
June 16, 2017 — Capturing songs and calls can open a whole new level of birding—but equipment can be daunting. Here’s what you need to know to get started.