
Birdist Rule #95: Learn the Red-Eyed Vireo's Song and Level-Up Your Birding
June 15, 2017 — Knowing this species opens the door to a whole new world of birds.
Birdist Rule #28: Know When Birds Think You're Too Close to Their Nests
June 09, 2017 — There are a variety of behaviors birds display when they feel threatened. Understanding them will make you a more responsible birder.
A Birder’s Farewell to the East Coast
June 07, 2017 — Cheers to the cardinals, the chickadees, the jays, and yes, even to the grackles I pretend to ignore.
The Insider’s Guide to Birding in Central Park, New York City
June 02, 2017 — It won’t be your typical birding experience—but that’s what also makes it so special. We asked the experts for tips to make the most of your visit.
Birdist Rule #89: Try Standing Still to See More Birds
May 25, 2017 — It's amazing what you can miss if you don't have a little patience.
The Catbird Has a Simple Trick to Outsmart Brood Parasites
May 24, 2017 — When it comes to protecting its nest from the Brown-headed Cowbird and other nest invaders, the quirky Gray Catbird is especially talented.
Birdist Rule #45: Learn to Deal With Incredibly Annoying Bugs
May 19, 2017 — Here are some of the worst bugs you'll encounter while birding, as well as some methods for prevention.
The 10 Best Places to See a Migrating Red Knot (or Thousands)
May 02, 2017 — For prime viewing, head to these East Coast beaches.
Quiz: Which of These 12 North American Birds Summer in the Arctic?
April 24, 2017 — Many familiar species depend on the Arctic for breeding. Discover seven of them and test your bird smarts with this quiz.
Birdist Rule #86: Take Advantage of Our Incredible National Park System
April 18, 2017 — It's National Park Week, so go make use of all those excellent birding destinations. There are a lot more than you think.