
Why Sewage Plants Make for Great Winter Birding Spots
January 04, 2018 — Water, heat, and fertilizer . . . what more could you ask for? Here are a few ideas on where to visit.
Oakland's Christmas Bird Count Has Another Banner Turnout
December 23, 2017 — Short on sleep but not on species, volunteers fanned out across the habitat-rich city.
Why Some Women Are Skipping Out on the ‘Airbnb of Birding’
December 21, 2017 — People everywhere are taking advantage of the networking service Birding Pal—but the low-security setup can be a deterrent for female birders.
The United State of Birding
December 19, 2017 — After a racist encounter in the field, a birder reflects on the disturbing incident and the community that helped lift him back up.
In Search of the Stunning—and Possibly Extinct—Edwards's Pheasant
December 18, 2017 — No one has seen the elusive bird in the wild in nearly two decades, but it might still inhabit Vietnam's war-ravaged mountain valleys.
The Christmas Bird Count Is a Window to a Changing World
December 14, 2017 — A veteran counter reflects on shifts in New Jersey's birds during the past 40 Decembers, for better and for worse.
How to Choose Your Spotting Scope
December 07, 2017 — Tips to help first-time buyers take the guesswork out of finding the perfect match.
Ten Tips for Waterfowl Beginners
November 30, 2017 — Ducks, geese, and swans are extremely common. Take advantage of that to sharpen your birding skills.
Hummingbird Feeding FAQs
November 27, 2017 — Have a question? We've got answers.
Understanding the Basics of Bird Molts
November 16, 2017 — As the seasons change, so do birds' feathers. A birder should be prepared.