
Birders Drop Everything to Behold Rare Corn Crake That Turned Up in New York
November 09, 2017 — For two days, scopes lined a Long Island parkway as birders delighted in the European visitor, which traveled even farther than its audience.
Amazon’s Alexa Is Ready to Help You Learn Bird Calls
November 07, 2017 — The virtual assistant can now access more than 2,000 birds sounds from the Audubon library—as long as you say the magic words.
A Birder’s Guide to Public Transportation
November 02, 2017 — Trains, buses, bikes, ferries, and ride shares can get you to that rare bird. Here’s how to make the best use of these options.
The Best Tools for Forecasting Bird Movements and Migrations
October 13, 2017 — Birders don’t have crystal balls. But we do have the internet.
Read an Excerpt From Noah Strycker's Book on His Record-Breaking Year of Birds
October 11, 2017 — Strycker recounts all the gritty and glorious details of his 2015 global Big Year in "Birding Without Borders."
Six Kid-Friendly Bird Guides
September 27, 2017 — A solid field guide will give them a head start on IDing common species. Here are some options to help shape their skills.
Seven Sturdy Backpacks for Birders and Bird Photographers
September 26, 2017 — Head out on the trail with all of your gear comfortably and securely stowed.
Scientists Want to Start Forecasting When Certain Species Are Migrating Your Way
September 22, 2017 — Weather maps are essential for researchers shadowing birds on the move. Pairing radar with eBird data will take migration tracking to the next level.
How to Feed Your Kid's Urge to Bird
September 20, 2017 — Children are curious, imaginative, and resourceful. By nurturing those traits, you can turn them into young birders, too.
Easy Ways to Get Kids Birding
September 15, 2017 — Kids are natural explorers. Here are some tips and games to encourage that impulse from Audubon experts.