Western Water News

In the Field—Western Rivers Bird Count
June 12, 2019 — A dispatch from Arizona’s Salt River.
Arizona Legislature Wraps up with Wins for Birds, Water, and Public Lands
May 31, 2019 — New budget includes funding for invasive plant removal, wastewater infrastructure, and water department staff.
Willard Spur Waterfowl Management Area, Utah's Serengeti of Waterbirds
May 28, 2019 — A special place for birds and people.
International Infrastructure Issues Threaten Arizona’s Santa Cruz River
May 09, 2019 — Why fixing a nine-mile sewage pipe is crucial for people and birds.
Problemas de infraestructura internacional amenazan el río Santa Cruz de Arizona
May 09, 2019 — Por qué arreglar una tubería de alcantarillado de nueve millas es crucial para las personas y las aves.
Audubon’s Jennifer Pitt Honored with Leadership Award for Colorado River Work
April 30, 2019 — Water Education Colorado bestows award to Coloradan who has a body of work in the field of water resources benefiting the Colorado public.
Arizona Needs to Resolve Long-Running Lawsuit in Order to Protect Rivers
April 23, 2019 — Tied up in court for over 40 years, water rights uncertainty surrounds the state’s rivers.
Bipartisan Colorado River Drought Plan Signed into Law Averting Potentially Catastrophic Outcomes for People and Birds
April 16, 2019 — Audubon worked throughout the West to advocate for the Drought Contingency Plan.
A Colorado River Drought Contingency Plan Is in Place—Now What?
April 16, 2019 — Audubon charts a course for conservation on the Colorado River.
Climate Change and Water Use Will Determine the Future of Great Basin Waterbirds
April 11, 2019 — Science and planning can help ensure their continued existence.