Western Water News

A Colorado River Drought Contingency Plan Is in Place—Now What?
April 16, 2019 — Audubon charts a course for conservation on the Colorado River.
Climate Change and Water Use Will Determine the Future of Great Basin Waterbirds
April 11, 2019 — Science and planning can help ensure their continued existence.
Outdoor Recreation Along Arizona’s Waterways is a $13.5 Billion Industry, Ranked Higher than Golf and Mining, New Report Says
April 11, 2019 — The study also indicates 114,000 jobs supported by recreation along state’s rivers, lakes, and streams.
How Flexible Water Management could Benefit both People and Birds
March 26, 2019 — Exploring a water banking system that works for Utah.
How Craft Beer Is Helping Save Water In the Colorado River Basin
March 08, 2019 — The Western Rivers Brewers Council continues to be an integral partner of Audubon Arizona’s dedication to a sustainable water future.
The Drought Contingency Plan and How We Got Here
March 06, 2019 — Getting DCP over the finish line.
Watershed Moment for Addressing Great Salt Lake’s Declining Water Levels
March 04, 2019 — Collaborative solutions (and legislation) for protecting the Western Hemisphere’s largest lake.
After Major Progress in Arizona Water Policy, Audubon Continues the Cause
February 21, 2019 — At its annual advocacy day, Audubon’s Western Rivers Action Network talked water with Arizona lawmakers.
Audubon Gives Testimony In Support of Funding to Remove Invasive Plants Along Arizona's Rivers
February 15, 2019 — The grant funding would help restore native plants and habitat.
The Exceptional Christmas Bird Counts on Great Salt Lake
February 12, 2019 — A festive mix of birds and people