Western Water News

Colorado Bets on New Funding for Water Plan
November 12, 2019 — This new funding represents a down payment on the needed $100 million annual investment.
Audubon’s New Climate Report and What it Means for Birds in the Arid West
October 22, 2019 — Fires and drought put increasing stress on western forests and the birds who live there.
Climate Change Threatens Arizona’s Forest Birds
October 22, 2019 — New Audubon report shows about half of Arizona’s birds are vulnerable.
Colorado’s Water Leader on the New Water Year
October 16, 2019 — Interview with Becky Mitchell, director of the Colorado Water Conservation Board and Colorado commissioner on the Upper Colorado River Commission.
Dependence on Threatened Saline Lakes Leaves Eared Grebes at Risk
October 07, 2019 — Nearly all Eared Grebes spend part of their flightless lives at Great Salt Lake or Mono Lake.
Potential Costs of Declining Water Levels at Great Salt Lake Could be in the Billions
September 24, 2019 — Unlike other drying lakes, Utah has the opportunity to change course and avoid those costs.
Water to Flow in Colorado River Delta Again
September 04, 2019 — Canal maintenance a reminder of the 2014 pulse flow.
Diminishing Lakes Pose Serious Consequences for Communities, Livelihoods, and Wildlife
August 27, 2019 — Why we should act at Great Salt Lake before it's too late.
Water Levels at Lake Mead Trigger 2020 Water Reductions in Arizona, Nevada, and Mexico
August 15, 2019 — With new drought plan in place, Lake Mead to enter ‘Tier Zero’ operations.
What It's Like to Catch and Band a Yuma Ridgway’s Rail
July 31, 2019 — Tracking the movements of an elusive marsh bird.