Western Water News

Entrega de agua para el medio ambiente en el delta del río Colorado, 3 de mayo de 2021. Adrián Salcedo, Restauremos el Colorado
Reconectar el río Colorado al mar
May 13, 2021 — Conservación binacional del agua hace que el río Colorado sea más sostenible para las personas y las aves
Snowy Plover. Max Malmquist/Audubon
Governor Cox Declares 2021 as Year of the Shorebird at Great Salt Lake
May 12, 2021 — Declaration celebrates 30th anniversary of Great Salt Lake as a Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network Site
Black Phoebe. Marie Jorgensen/Great Backyard Bird Count
Arizona Passes Law that Partially Protects Some Rivers Left Behind from Federal Clean Water Act Rollbacks
May 10, 2021 — While better than no protection, state program lacks essential provisions to best protect Arizona’s waterways
Black Phoebe. Marie Jorgensen/Great Backyard Bird Count
Arizona aprueba una ley que protege parcialmente algunos ríos dejados atrás de los retrocesos de la Ley Federal de Agua Limpia
May 10, 2021 — Si bien es mejor que ninguna protección, el programa estatal carece de disposiciones esenciales para proteger mejor las vías fluviales de Arizona.
Snowy Plover. Frank Lehman/Audubon Photography Awards
Audubon Chapters Taking Local Action for Birds and People in the Arid West
May 07, 2021 — 2021 Western Water Network Grants Support Five Western Chapters
Marbled Godwits. Peter Brannon/Audubon Photography Awards
New Grant Enables Partners to Advance Shorebird Planning at Nevada Wetlands
May 06, 2021 — National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports collaborative efforts to enhance habitat and monitor shorebirds
Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Mary Miguez/Audubon Photography Awards
Over 150,000 Acres of Critical Habitat Designated for the Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo in Arizona
May 05, 2021 — How Audubon made a difference for one of the West's most imperiled birds.
Más de 150.000 acres de hábitat crítico designados para el cuclillo pico amarillo en Arizona
May 04, 2021 — Cómo Audubon marcó la diferencia para una de las aves más amenazadas de Occidente
Lee's Ferry in the Grand Canyon. Jonathan Buford/Arizona Wilderness Brewing Company
Experimental High Spring Flows in the Grand Canyon
April 30, 2021 — Demonstrated potential for creativity in future Colorado River operations
Eared Grebes with chicks. Wendy Crowe/Audubon Photography Awards
U.S. Senators Re-Introduce Science-based Program for Unique Saline (Salt) Lake Ecosystems
April 29, 2021 — Audubon science makes case for federally coordinated assessment of interconnected ecosystems essential in the arid West, supporting people and birds.