Delaware River Watershed

Audubon Applauds U.S. Congress for $9.7 Million of Funding for Delaware River Watershed Restoration
December 18, 2019 — Funding for the protection, restoration and healthy growth of the nationally significant watershed helps birds, people and local economies.
Red Knots.
Audubon Pennsylvania Supports Increased Funding for the Delaware River Watershed
November 14, 2019
Julie Hill-Gabriel on “Water Resources Development Acts: Status of Implementation and Assessing Future Needs.”
July 10, 2019 — Hill-Gabriel Testifies Before the U.S. House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment
Audubon Finds Unified Voice for Clean Water in Brewers for the Delaware River
January 31, 2019 — Brewers depend on clean, reliable water to survive and thrive, just like birds.