Rene Ebersole

Contributing Editor, Audubon Magazine

Rene Ebersole is a contributing editor for Audubon and an adjunct faculty member at the NYU journalism school. Her wildlife trade investigations and reporting have been featured in National GeographicThe Nation, and more.

Articles by Rene Ebersole

Would You Schweeb to Work? Google Thinks You Might
September 30, 2010
Lost and Found: Three Rediscovered Amphibians
September 22, 2010
Green to the End
September 13, 2010
Catch of the Day: Lionfish
August 13, 2010
The Story of Cosmetics: What's In Your Medicine Cabinet?
July 26, 2010
Hooters Joins Gulf Cleanup Efforts With
June 15, 2010
Wetland Birds Are Sitting Ducks As Oil Slick Approaches Fragile Coast. What You Can Do To Help
May 03, 2010
Should Celebrities Go to Work for Climate Change?
February 04, 2010
A Mom's Promise
January 21, 2010
Amazing Video: Clever Penguin Outsmarts Hungry Killer Whales
January 11, 2010