Noah Strycker

Contributor, Audubon Magazine

Noah Strycker is a writer, photographer, and adventurer. In 2015 he embarked on an international Big Year, and blogged all about it at

Articles by Noah Strycker

Day 85: A Break From Birds
March 27, 2015 — A group of moth scientists show off their subjects.
Day 84: A Little Help from New Friends
March 27, 2015 — A researcher who just discovered a new species recounts more dangerous times in the Colombian forest.
Day 83: Hummingbird Haven
March 27, 2015 — Noah visits a woman who has devoted her life to her birds.
Day 82: An 11-Hour Bus Ride
March 27, 2015 — While crossing half of Colombia by bus, Noah learned quite a bit about the country.
Day 81: The Wonder of a Washing Machine
March 25, 2015 — Noah rearranges plans to maximize his time in Colombia.
Day 79: Scouting Local Parrots
March 24, 2015 — When hunting for regional specialties, nothing beats a local’s knowledge.
Day 80: Reserve Exchange
March 24, 2015 — Noah and company trade in the Pauxi Pauxi reserve for one that hosts Cerulean Warblers.
Day 78: A Reserve Without Its Namesake
March 24, 2015 — While birding with American friends, Noah runs into some North American birds.
Day 77: Old Friends and New Socks
March 24, 2015 — Noah reunites with some birders from home to take on Colombia.
Day 76: Farewell, Ecuador
March 18, 2015 — Thanks to the country’s extreme diversity, Noah added 249 new species in just 12 days.