Noah Strycker

Contributor, Audubon Magazine

Noah Strycker is a writer, photographer, and adventurer. In 2015 he embarked on an international Big Year, and blogged all about it at

Articles by Noah Strycker

Day 145: Out to Sea
May 27, 2015 — Noah tries to track down a migrant, along with some special guests.
Day 144: Ten Stripes to Hollywood
May 26, 2015 — A very long day ends in the City of Angels.
Day 141: Determining Which Non-Natives Count
May 22, 2015 — Some escaped former pets now make their homes in U.S. cities—do they count for the big year?
Day 138: Heading Home
May 20, 2015 — Noah departs Latin America for two weeks in the U.S.
Day 136: Halfway There!
May 19, 2015 — The milestone at the end of a Mexican superhighway.
Day 137: The Imperial Woodpecker’s Old Stomping Grounds
May 19, 2015 — Noah changes plans based on some birding news, and ends up checking some unique species off the list.