National Audubon Society

Articles by National Audubon Society

Long-Awaited House Report Provides Blueprint for Congress on Climate Change
June 30, 2020 — House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis offers guidance for rebuilding a cleaner future in the wake of COVID-19
Proposed Mines in The Bahamas Threaten Winter Home of Migratory Shorebirds
June 25, 2020 — Joulter Cays National Park supports birds like Piping Plovers and Red Knots, as well as fishing and ecotourism.
U.S. Senate Votes to Protect Birds, Improve Parks, and Create Jobs
June 17, 2020 — Bipartisan legislation to provide permanent funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund advances out of the U.S. Senate.
Trump Administration Continues Effort to Strip Away Bird Protections
June 05, 2020 — It’s time for Congress to respond to this attack on America’s birds.
Audubon: Trump Executive Order Endangers Birds, People, and the Places We Need
June 04, 2020 — A new executive order signed by President Trump will remove important tools that protect wildlife and ensure public input.
Bipartisan Bill Will Help Cut Pollution While Helping Farmers, Foresters, and Wildlife
June 04, 2020 — The legislation helps the agriculture and forestry industries naturally remove carbon from the atmosphere, creating a cleaner future for birds and people.
Watch: A Conversation About Racism in the Outdoors
June 03, 2020 — Brentin Mock, a Black birder and journalist, discusses the Chris Cooper Central Park incident on 'I Saw a Bird.'
Long-Awaited Solar Ruling Is a Win for Clean Energy in Arkansas
June 01, 2020
Arizona Department of Water Resources and Audubon Agree to Funding Plan to Conserve Colorado River Water
May 29, 2020 — Fulfilling Drought Contingency Plan commitments and achieving water security for Arizona.
Climate Change and Birds Near You
May 27, 2020 — Not all birds that live in the same place will be affected the same way. In this activity, learn about climate impacts on your local birds.