National Audubon Society

Articles by National Audubon Society

Senate Report Warns of Perils of Ignoring Science on Climate Change
August 25, 2020 — Senate Special Committee on the Climate Crisis calls for investing in a cleaner future in a post-COVID world
Audubon: “All-hands-on-deck to defend the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.”
August 24, 2020 — Audubon files federal lawsuit to stop the administration’s efforts to drill in the Refuge.
Louisiana Announces First-Ever Climate Goals
August 19, 2020 — Governor John Bel Edwards sets targets for reducing carbon emissions and establishes resilience strategies across state government.
Rooted In The Rainforest: Voices for Tongass
August 17, 2020
One Tree at a Time: Voices for Tongass
August 17, 2020
Salmonscape: Voices for Tongass
August 17, 2020
Victory! Federal Judge Rules Administration’s Bird-Killing Policy is Illegal
August 11, 2020 — Today’s ruling makes it clear that the administration must halt its attempt to roll back the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
Audubon Joins Coalition to Sue Administration Over Harmful NEPA Rules
August 06, 2020 — A broad coalition of justice and environmental groups are working together to fight changes that would gut 50 years of environmental protection.
Young Climate Advocates Across Political Spectrum Say #YESonClimate at Virtual Summit
August 04, 2020 — Nearly 100 college students unite behind climate action and environmental advocacy at the Youth Environmental Summit.
U.S. House Water Infrastructure Bill Takes Nation’s Water Needs Seriously
July 29, 2020 — The Water Resources Development Act 2020 (HR 7575) will direct important resources for flood protections and maintaining our nation’s wetlands and watersheds.