National Audubon Society

Articles by National Audubon Society

Federal Conservation Plans for Greater Sage-Grouse Go Under Review
November 22, 2021 — The Bureau of Land Management has opened a process to review multi-state conservation plans.
Process to Reinstate Important Protection for Part of America’s Largest National Forest Begins
November 19, 2021 — The USDA has announced it will open a 60-day public comment period on its decision to reinstate the Roadless Rule on the Tongass.
‘Build Back Better’ Act Advances Through the U.S. House of Representatives
November 19, 2021 — The historic proposal would represent a significant opportunity to address climate risks to birds, people, and places we need.
EPA Restores Clean Water Act Protections for Important Wetlands along Mississippi River
November 17, 2021 — By blocking the destructive and ineffective Yazoo Pumps project, the EPA can protect bird habitat while also supporting alternative flood control measures for the region.
National Audubon Society Announces Dr. Elizabeth Gray as CEO
November 17, 2021 — Dr. Gray, a scientist and ornithologist will be the first woman to hold the CEO title in the organization’s 116 year history.
LevelTen Energy, The Nature Conservancy, and The National Audubon Society Advocate for a Sustainable and Equitable Energy Transition with Launch of New Impact Principles
November 15, 2021 — New jointly-written white paper provides principles and framework for buying and developing renewable energy projects with positive impacts on local communities, conservation efforts, and the climate.
Meet the 2021 Recipients of the Charles H. Callison Award and the Tamar Chotzen Educator of the Year Award
November 12, 2021 — Meet three people who have helped protect the places that birds need, today and tomorrow.
“Climate Conversations” Highlight Different Individual Paths Toward the Common Goal of Fighting Climate Change
November 10, 2021 — A Florida rancher, a young conservative, and an aspiring fashion designer show that there’s no one way to meet the challenge of a changing climate.
Great Blue Heron.
Landmark Legislation Sets a Framework for a Cleaner Future for People and Birds
November 05, 2021 — While some priorities remain to be addressed, the infrastructure and reconciliation bills together represent the nation’s largest investment in addressing the causes and impacts of climate change.
Audubon Applauds Confirmation of Mike Connor to Lead Army Civil Works
November 04, 2021 — Former Audubon board member, Mike Connor, is a dedicated advocate for birds, people, and the places we need.