Max Malmquist

Saline Lakes Engagement Manager

Max has a diverse background in community relations, project management, negotiations and environmental monitoring for Audubon. His experience as a biologist includes conducting a wide variety of bird surveys and submitting data to state agencies as well as the US Fish and Wildlife Service. These ranged from Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo surveys to raptor nest and Greater Sage Grouse lek surveys. From 2014 to 2018, Max managed a 2,200 acre property in rural Wisconsin for Rio Tinto where he performed environmental monitoring, permit compliance work and oversaw invasive species management, biodiversity studies, and habitat restoration projects. This work required regular coordination with state resource agencies, local governments, wildlife and conservation groups and other stakeholders.  He also worked on large scale environmental remediation projects in Washington, Wyoming and New Jersey.

Max spends most of his free time volunteering on conservation projects with Audubon’s partners, including Tracy Aviary and The Nature Conservancy.  He enjoys leading and participating in Audubon chapter field trips and community science activities.

Max has a biology degree from Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN.  He plans to continue his education at Utah State University, with a focus on avian conservation research efforts related to the Great Salt Lake and its watersheds.

Articles by Max Malmquist

Great Salt Lake Partners “Band Together” to Monitor American White Pelicans
August 02, 2024 — After 5-year hiatus, State of Utah Coordinates Gunnison Island Nesting Colony Tagging
A group of phalaropes swim in a lake with out of focus mountains in the distance.
Wilson’s Phalaropes and their Journey from Canada to Argentina
September 25, 2023 — Key stopovers at Great Salt Lake and Mono Lake allow for 10000 mile migrations.
Birds of Great Salt Lake’s South Arm Ecosystem Threatened
November 04, 2022 — As Gilbert Bay’s water level declines and salinity levels rise, what birds are at risk?
Regional Shorebird Surveys Provide a Look at Changing Habitat Around the West
October 27, 2022 — On-the-ground assessments of how drought is impacting birds in the Great Basin.
Collaborative Efforts Elevate Shorebirds During Spring Migration in Lahontan Valley
June 28, 2022 — A conversation about the future of Nevada’s shorebirds.
Fall Update: Partners Work Together to Monitor Shorebirds and Their Habitat in the Lahontan Wetlands
November 19, 2021 — National Fish and Wildlife Foundation grant allows for more bird surveys in Nevada.
White-faced Ibis. Warren-Martin Hern/Audubon Photography Awards
Land Transfer Secures Nevada Bird and Wildlife Habitat
April 29, 2021 — Long-awaited Transfer of Carson Lake and Pasture to the State of Nevada Gives Birds a Boost
I’m Especially Grateful for Birding this Year
November 24, 2020 — And yes, birding on Great Salt Lake is magical.
UPDATE: Spring is for the Birds...and Birders (Cancellations and other Information)
March 02, 2020 — Celebrate migration and great basin birds at a festival this spring.
Protecting and Celebrating an Oasis for Birds in the Great Basin
June 25, 2019 — Lahontan Valley's wetlands provide critical habitat for birds.