
Catalina Casas

Field Conservation Manager

Catalina Casas Cruz joined Audubon in February 2017 as the Bird-based Tourism-BBT Coordinator in Colombia. She led the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/NMBCA project to strengthen migratory bird conservation efforts in the Central Andes, including the creation of an educational program for schools.

Now, as Field Conservation Manager for Audubon Americas, she supports Regenerative Agriculture, BBT, environmental education, and community science projects including the Christmas Bird Count.

Before joining Audubon, Catalina was part of the Conservation Biology program of Cenicafé - Research Center of Colombian Coffee Federation- in the project 'Conservation of Boreal Migratory Birds in Coffee-Growing Areas'. She also was part of Proselva NGO coordinating different aspects of bird monitoring and the implementation activities with local communities as part of the project GEF: Biological and Multicultural Conservation Corridor Munchique Pinche - Cauca Department.

Catalina is Biologist, and holds a Master's degree in Rural Development, and specialized degrees in Environmental Education and Tourism Management.