
BirdNote strives to transport listeners out of the daily grind and into the natural world with outstanding audio programming and online content. The stories we tell are rich in sound, imagery, and information—connecting the ways and needs of birds to the lives of listeners.

Articles by BirdNote

How Do Finches Shell Sunflower Seeds so Quickly?
January 30, 2018 — It's all thanks to a specialized beak.
Birds Have Built-In Goggles
January 22, 2018 — A third eyelid provides the extra protection needed to fly and hunt.
Are Early Birds Really Better Off?
January 08, 2018 — A study of woodland species found that eating later in the day might lead to a longer lifespan.
How Chickadee Flocks Avoid Traffic Jams at Your Feeder
January 02, 2018 — Turns out there's an orderly process to all of that flitting back and forth.
A Brief History of the Modern Chicken
December 18, 2017 — From the jungles of India to your breakfast table.
An Owl Trapped in a Christmas Tree Once Traveled From Oregon Into Canada
December 11, 2017 — Fortunately the Northern Saw-whet survived the surprise trip.
Today Is the 57th Anniversary of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
December 05, 2017 — The Arctic coastal plain hosts a staggering amount of wildlife, but less than two percent of this vital habitat is currently protected.
Snake-eagles Are a Serpent's Worst Nightmare
December 04, 2017 — This raptor can decapitate and swallow its prey whole—all on the wing.
What Makes Bird Poop White?
November 27, 2017 — And why is it so hard to wash off your car?
How Birds Learn to Identify Threats
November 20, 2017 — Mobbing adults provide more than just protection for young birds.