Andy McGlashen

Senior Editor, Audubon Magazine

Andy McGlashen is senior editor for conservation policy. 

Articles by Andy McGlashen

Updated: Trump Admin Halts Its Push for a Road Through Alaska's Izembek Refuge
July 23, 2019 — The government dropped its appeal of a judge's ruling that protected the bird-rich wilderness—but a new land deal was reached soon after.
The Kirtland’s Warbler Has Recovered, But the Hard Work of Saving It Will Never Stop
July 22, 2019 — Sustained management is the only way to prevent a population backslide once the bird sheds its endangered status later this year.
Saving Colombia's Forests Is Crucial to Protect Prothonotary Warblers
June 19, 2019 — A new study shows that almost the entire population winters in a region with rampant deforestation—a finding that could help target conservation.
Hunting Imagery May Soon Be Mandatory for Federal Duck Stamp Contest
May 30, 2019 — Conservationists worry the proposed change will undermine efforts to expand sales of the stamps, a key funding source for habitat protection.
Last Year’s Everglades Breeding Bonanza Was the Biggest in More Than 80 Years
May 22, 2019 — An official report says that South Florida's wading birds had an even better 2018 than we thought.
A Swollen Mississippi River Has Resurrected Calls for a Wetland-Destroying Flood-Control Project
May 17, 2019 — The EPA blocked the Yazoo Pumps proposal in 2008, saying it would devastate bird-rich habitat. Now the agency is reconsidering.
Government Agencies Skirmish Over Inaccurate Environmental Impact Report on Arctic Refuge Drilling
May 10, 2019 — The Trump administration paints a too-rosy picture of how oil and gas development will impact Alaska’s coastal plain ecology, its own experts say.
Waves of Opposition Deter Interior's Plans to Expand Offshore Drilling
May 07, 2019 — The Interior Department paused its push for oil and gas leases, giving coastal communities more time to organize and speak out.
Here’s Why Birds Rub Their Beaks on Stuff
May 01, 2019 — There’s more to this behavior than meets the eye. Some of it meets the nose.
Invasive Pythons Are Targeting Florida’s Wading Bird Colonies
April 17, 2019 — A pair of studies fuel worries that the out-of-control snakes could undermine the birds’ recovery despite Everglades restoration.