
Andrew Del-Colle

Digital Editorial Director, Audubon magazine

Articles by Andrew Del-Colle

Take the John James Audubon ‘Birds of America’ Quiz
February 27, 2019 — We've chosen excerpts from 15 of JJA's original writings. Can you guess which bird he was describing?
An Open Letter to the Central Park Mandarin Duck
November 09, 2018 — cc: all other hot ducks
Red-breasted Nuthatches Are Invading the Northeast This Fall
October 05, 2018 — Due to a likely food shortage in their Canadian range, the birds have started showing up throughout the U.S. in droves.
No, That's Not an Owl Outside Your Window
August 31, 2018 — It's probably a Mourning Dove. Here's the difference between their calls.
Three Ways You Can Help Migrating Birds This Fall
August 28, 2018 — Migrants heading south face myriad man-made obstacles, but there are actions we can all take to save their lives.
The Birds Are Watching: Jenny Kendler's Storm King Installation Sends a Message
July 26, 2018 — Inspired by Audubon science, the new outdoor artwork features the eyes of 100 bird species threatened by climate change.
[UPDATED] Veterans, Department of Defense Oppose Sage-Grouse Rider on National Defense Authorization Act
July 18, 2018 — The NDAA provision claims that for the good of our military three species should be excluded from being designated as endangered.
Great Horned Owl Takes Another Chick From Hog Island Osprey Nest
July 12, 2018 — Four nights after the first attack, the owl returned to Steve and Rachel’s nest despite the recent addition of lights as a deterrent.
Osprey Pair Rachel and Steve Lose Chick to Owl—Again
July 11, 2018 — [UPDATED] A Great Horned Owl attack on the Hog Island nest follows two such raids last year. Since the incident, steps have been taken to deter the predator.
Incredible Combination of Factors Leads to Historic Migration Flight
June 01, 2018 — Earlier this week, a group of expert birders in Canada were treated to a staggering sight: more than 700,000 warblers over nine hours.