Every year, the winners of our annual Audubon Photography Awards are featured in a traveling exhibit hosted by Audubon chapters and centers across the country. The program is so popular that, within days of the signup email being sent, all of the available calendar spots are booked, with many more locations having to be put on a waitlist. Unfortunately, because of the ongoing pandemic, this year we were unable to carry on the tradition. So instead, as we've all had to do so often this year, we got creative.
Below is a virtual gallery of the 2020 APA winners. You can choose a guided tour, or you can pick your own path around the exhibit using the arrow keys and mouse or keypad. In the upper right, you can find the name of the photographer, the competition category, technical details, and the story behind the shot.
While we're disappointed we couldn't share this year's winners with the public in person, we are delighted to present it in a way that reaches more people. Plus, a virtual gallery offers the advantage of being available whenever you like, for however long you want to linger. So go ahead and venture in. Maybe even put on some music while you explore. And once you're done, be sure to check out our Top 100 from this year's awards, as well as these tips and tricks for underwater photography from this year's grand prize winner.