
Chicks, Like Humans, Count from Left to Right
February 02, 2015 — New research shows chickens may imagine bigger values to the right, suggesting the mental number line originated millions of years ago.
Greg Mabley Cat
How to Stop Cats from Killing Birds
January 29, 2015 — A cat owner and avian ecologist found an effective solution to a perennial problem. But will other cat owners use it?
A Flight Plan for Birds in a Warming World
January 26, 2015 — Audubon's chief scientist is plotting a future for birds. Here's how they could survive.
Pulling North America's Loons Back from the Brink
January 22, 2015 — Restoring a national icon takes luck, patience, and more than a little guile. The backing of a billionaire helps quite a bit, too.
The Anti-Poaching Powder
January 22, 2015 — Researchers develop a technique that can trace castoff feathers and eggs back to poachers.
A Deadly Year for South Africa's Rhinos
January 21, 2015 — Faced with record poaching numbers, the South African government caches away its rhinos.
Love in the Air
January 08, 2015 — Even in the bird world, romance can get messy.
Aral Spring
January 08, 2015 — After years of devastation, the wetlands near a once-magnificent Central Asian lake are showing signs of life.
Which Came First: the Dinosaur or the Bird?
January 07, 2015 — The consensus is in: Birds are living dinosaurs. But how that epic evolutionary leap took place remains one of science’s greatest mysteries.
Proceed With Caution
December 23, 2014 — Baby Cinereous Mourners disguise themselves to look like caterpillars, and researchers have the photos to prove it.