
How Island Birds Got Their Groove
September 24, 2015 — Species that live on small islands often barely resemble their mainland kin, thanks to evolution.
Why Love Matters to a Zebra Finch
September 18, 2015 — When birds choose their own mates, they're better partners and parents.
How Monk Parakeets Pick Their Battles
September 10, 2015 — New research shows that these social birds use logic to choose whom to bully.
Why a Hawk Is a Hummingbird’s Best Friend
September 08, 2015 — The raptors help keep predators away from the tiny birds, new research shows.
As Sage-Grouse Decision Looms, West Holds Its Breath
September 03, 2015 — U.S. Fish and Wildlife will decide whether to list the bird by the end of September.
99 Percent of Seabird Species Could Be Tainted With Plastic by 2050, Science Says
September 03, 2015 — A new study shows that the plastic problem in our oceans is bigger than we thought . . . and it’s about to get worse.
Welcome to Warblerstock, Ohio's Grooviest Birding Festival
September 01, 2015 — During spring migration, Magee Marsh braces itself for an all-out warbler (and birder) invasion.
What a High-Tech Forest Can Teach us About Global Warming
August 31, 2015 — By rigging the Harvard Forest with cameras, sensors, and even hotter air, scientists can study the future.
Why Do Tropical Birds Have Fewer Chicks?
August 28, 2015 — A new study supports the theory that life after the nest is just as important as life within it.
Video: Hummingbirds Are Groove-Tongued Wonders
August 21, 2015 — A close-up look at feasting hummers shows how they pump nectar into their tongues.