
How Many Birds Disappear Between Migration Seasons? We Now Have a Clue.
December 20, 2018 — New research has found that a third of the avian population that winters in the mainland United States might not survive till spring. But why?
Are Starlings the Key to Making Guam's Forests Sing Again?
December 19, 2018 — Decades after the brown tree snake wiped out Guam’s birds, biologists have an ambitious plan to bring native species back to the stunning island.
The Surprising Connection Between Birds, Facebook, and Other Social Networks
December 17, 2018 — Common songbirds in Britain’s Wytham Woods are providing an unprecedented window into avian affairs—and maybe even our own.
7 Hummingbirds That Wear Pants With Flair (Plus One Bonus)
December 14, 2018 — Meet the "puffleg” birds of the Latin American tropics, covered in feathers all the way down.
How Hundreds of Volunteers Protected California's Tricolored Blackbirds
November 19, 2018 — Data collected from a triennial spring survey has helped gain the birds state-wide protections. Now they're being considered for a federal listing.
How Birds Take Flight With Such Ease
November 15, 2018 — New research breaks down the fundamentals required to smoothly go from perched to airborne.
The Arctic Is No Longer A Safe Haven for Breeding Shorebirds
November 13, 2018 — Predators now wipe out 70 percent of shorebird nests in the far north, a shift in historical patterns that scientists pin on climate change.
Birds Inherited Colorful Eggs From Dinosaurs
November 05, 2018 — New research has found yet another link between modern avians and their ancestors.
Mountain Birds Need to Move Even Higher to Survive
October 29, 2018 — In Honduras, species are migrating upslope to escape deforestation and climate change, illustrating a global trend. But space isn't infinite.
This Fossil Is Probably the First to Preserve Ancient Bird Lungs
October 25, 2018 — If so, the similarity of the 120-million-year-old organs to those in modern birds sheds new light on avian evolution.