
Morning mist
How Birds’ Beaks Could Solve Water Shortages
October 02, 2014 — An avian-inspired new technology could harvest clean drinking water from foggy skies.
Frequently Asked Questions: Audubon's Birds and Climate Change Report
September 10, 2014 — Learn more about our climate report and what it means for birds.
EPA's Gutsy Move to Slash Power Plant Carbon Is a Win for People and Birds
June 02, 2014 — New EPA regulations would rein in carbon pollution from coal plants.
Green Energy: Can We Save the Planet and Save Birds?
March 08, 2014 — Wildlife-smart wind power may be as close as it gets to "green energy." But over vast swaths of America, the "smart" part is still more hot air than reality--especially when it comes to raptors.
New Rule Is a Win for Wind, Blows for Eagles
December 09, 2013 — The government will grant permits allowing the industry to harm or kill the raptors for 30 years.
Sea Urchins Illuminate How to Trap Carbon Dioxide
May 23, 2013 — A marine creature shows researchers a new way to capture a potent greenhouse gas.
Plugging Into the Electric Vehicle Revolution
February 22, 2013 — Cars may prove to be one solution to our climate change problem.
Kicking the Coal Habit
April 23, 2012 — America may be coming to grips with the dark side of our cheapest, most abundant energy source, but a plan to unload it on Asia threatens to poison our planet.
U.S. Sets First Limits on Carbon Emissions from Power Plants
March 27, 2012 — For the first time ever the EPA is imposing greenhouse gas emissions limits on power plants, the largest driver of climate change.
Smoke on the Water: Stopping a Coal-fired Power Plant in Arkansas
February 15, 2012 — Nationwide, coal-fired power plants appear to be on the way out. But in southwest Arkansas—next to some of the finest fish and wildlife habitat anywhere—one may be on the way in.