
Firefighters Rescue Great Horned Owl from Ashes of California Wildfire
November 08, 2019 — The fierce bird, nicknamed "Ram," is recovering just fine. But the species is at future risk as climate change exacerbates western wildfires.
Climate Change Threatens Arizona’s Forest Birds
October 22, 2019 — New Audubon report shows about half of Arizona’s birds are vulnerable.
Survival by Degrees: 389 Bird Species on the Brink
October 21, 2019 — Read Audubon's new climate report, which finds that two-thirds of North American birds are at increasing risk of extinction from global temperature rise. Find out how species in your state will be affected, and which birds we can help by acting now.
Thousands of Dead Seabirds Washed Up on Alaska's Shores Again This Year
October 11, 2019 — The deaths, including many Short-tailed Shearwaters, coincided with a new marine heat wave in the region. But the exact cause still eludes scientists.
Reverse Engineering the Climate Crisis Is Not Only Possible—It's Necessary
October 10, 2019 — We can't merely cut emissions to preserve a livable planet. We'll have to invent technologies to take back the carbon we've already released.
Birds Are Telling Us It's Time to Take Action on Climate
October 10, 2019 — Global warming poses an existential threat to two-thirds of North American bird species—but there's still time to protect them. Audubon's new climate report says we have to act now.
This Is What Climate Solutions Look Like
October 10, 2019 — We dedicated our entire fall issue to tackling the challenge of climate change, because humanity has no other choice.
An Overheating Gulf of Maine Is Now Forcing Wildlife to Adapt—or Move
October 10, 2019 — Rapid warming in the Gulf of Maine is shifting the marine food web, putting already endangered Roseate Terns and their broods at even greater risk. Figuring out how to help these seabirds could point the way for safeguarding other species.
Bird Jobs of the Future and Other Avian-Inspired Stories From the Year 2100
October 10, 2019 — In Audubon’s first foray into climate fiction, or cli-fi, we asked writers of compelling—and sometimes strange—fiction to imagine what climate chaos will bring for birds and people. From there, they created these tales of the somewhat familiar future.
Sanderling. Raymond Hennessy/Alamy
Five Climate-Threatened Birds and How You Can Help Them
October 10, 2019 — Audubon's newest climate report projects the future ranges for more than 604 North American species.