
Youth Environmental Activists Strengthen Their Stand in the Climate Movement
September 14, 2020 — Student leaders proved age is trivial when taking actions on environmental issues at the first-ever virtual Youth Environmental Summit.
How Wildfires Affect Birds
September 11, 2020 — Big burns are natural, but climate change could make especially destructive fire seasons the new normal.
A Disease Outbreak in California Has Killed an Estimated 40,000 Birds
September 10, 2020 — Avian botulism is a regular issue at the sprawling wetlands of the Klamath Basin Wildlife Refuges, but in a dry and hot year, it's gotten out of control.
Audubon Study Confirms Solar Is a Major Economic Driver in South Carolina
August 27, 2020 — Audubon South Carolina's newly commissioned report shows that the solar energy industry has a $1.5 billion impact in the state.
Senate Report Warns of Perils of Ignoring Science on Climate Change
August 25, 2020 — Senate Special Committee on the Climate Crisis calls for investing in a cleaner future in a post-COVID world
Louisiana Announces First-Ever Climate Goals
August 19, 2020 — Governor John Bel Edwards sets targets for reducing carbon emissions and establishes resilience strategies across state government.
Marine Heatwaves Can Scatter Ocean Wildlife More Than a Thousand Miles
August 05, 2020 — A new study finds that these extreme events at sea can rapidly redistribute habitats and animals, including fish and seabirds.
Wind Power and Birds
July 21, 2020 — Properly sited wind power can help protect birds from climate change.
Can There Be a Green and Just Economic Recovery From the Pandemic?
July 12, 2020 — As politicians and the fossil fuel industry seek to restore a status quo, the course chosen now will dictate our climate future.
Higher Water Levels Make Nesting More Difficult for South Florida Spoonbills
June 30, 2020 — Roseate Spoonbills faced a tough nesting season.