Birds in the News

Winter Woes
April 27, 2015 — After one of the coldest, snowiest winters in recent memory, rehabbers and birds alike are happy it's finally spring.
Terror Bird Vs. Modern Bird
April 27, 2015 — A recent discovery of a terror bird skeleton has us wondering: How do modern birds stack up?
2015 Audubon Photography Awards Top 100
April 26, 2015 — Of the 9,000+ photos submitted, these were our judges' favorites.
Last Hunt Standing
April 24, 2015 — Malta is the only country in Europe to still allow spring hunting of turtle doves and quail.
Birds Take Center Stage in Nature’s "Animal Homes"
April 22, 2015 — A new series explores some not-so-humble abodes in the wild.
Something to Crow About
April 22, 2015 — Piedmont High’s bird call competition turns 50.
Nuclear Fallout
April 21, 2015 — Years after the Fukushima and Chernobyl disasters, migrant and local birds are still struggling to survive.
The Quest to Save a Pelican Rookery Decimated by Deepwater Horizon
April 20, 2015 — Five years after the BP oil spill, funds from the disaster will finally help restore Cat Island.
Rigged Decks
April 20, 2015 — Is the Gulf of Mexico a haven or a minefield for birds?
The Biggest Gamer in the Bird World
April 17, 2015 — A Curl-crested Jay reveals its hidden talent for mimicking cyber sounds.