Birds in the News

What Made All of Seahorse Key’s Birds Jump Ship?
July 15, 2015 — In May, thousands of birds fled their Florida island. Here are some theories on why the birds bailed.
Why Is This Golden Eagle Getting a Massage?
July 15, 2015 — All that pampering is probably making this bird very content.
Keeping Peregrines Safe From Their Fan Club
July 09, 2015 — Maine’s Acadia National Park hosts beautiful birds, and a ton of tourists. Here's how the two get along.
What's an Antbird Without an Ant?
July 06, 2015 — In Costa Rica, dozens of bird species rely on army ants to lead them to food. What will happen if global warming drives the ants away?
Why Would A Crow Ride an Eagle?
July 03, 2015 — Bird expert Kenn Kaufman explains the science behind this bizarre encounter.
BP to Pay $18.7 Billion in Damages for Deepwater Horizon Spill
July 02, 2015 — The settlement, which will be paid to the federal government and five affected states, is the largest in history.
Cat Owners Turn a Blind Eye to Pets’ Violence
July 02, 2015 — Even telling them how many animals their cats kill doesn’t help.
Rare Albino Raven Murdered
July 01, 2015 — A rehabbed corvid’s caretaker wants to find its killer before it's too late.
Rachel and Steve Left Chick-less After Eagle Raids Nest
June 29, 2015 — In almost the blink of an eye, the predator snatched up both Osprey chicks (video).
The Birds of British Petroleum
June 26, 2015 — Five years after the largest marine oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry, the author of The Tarball Chronicles grabs his binoculars and returns to the scene of the slime.