Audubon in Action

Audubon Spotlight: Diana Braithwaite Is Shaping the Next Generation
August 11, 2020 — Years of working with underrepresented communities helps the Audubon On Campus program manager engage people overlooked by conservation.
Audubon and ACC Campus Partnership Proves Climate Is Everyone’s Issue
August 06, 2020 — Hand in hand, Audubon and American Conservation Coalition (ACC) Campus show how climate solutions are a unifying cause.
Seabirds and Fisheries Get a Virtual Lift in Congress from Audubon Advocates
August 03, 2020 — Grassroots members attend Audubon's annual forage fish fly-in and speak to legislators about the importance of healthy fisheries.
Join the Growing Non-Partisan Youth Movement to Combat Climate Change
July 23, 2020 — Youth Environmental Summit 2020 will provide advocacy training and networking for environmentally minded college students across the political spectrum.
Audubon Flock Adapts Their Advocacy Efforts for (Virtual) Day at the Capital
July 09, 2020 — Audubon North Carolina’s first-ever virtual Advocacy Day met advocates and lawmakers where they were.
Audubon Spotlight: Katie Percy Is a Champion for Louisiana’s Ecosystems
June 22, 2020 — As an avian biologist for Audubon Louisiana Katie Percy’s conscience guides the way while her passion drives the work.
It’s Not a Huge Deal if We Miss One Season of Climate Watch
May 18, 2020 — Scientists have been dealing with fragmentary data for years and have many tools to deal with it.
Grassroots Advocates Help Push Passage of the Virginia Clean Economy Act
May 05, 2020 — The new law will accelerate the adoption of clean-energy innovation and help Virginia go carbon-free by 2050.
How to Find Comfort in Watching for Boreal Birds
May 05, 2020 — For Boreal conservation expert Jeff Wells, birds and nature are the calming salve that counters collective anxiety during the pandemic.
Native Plants Help Restore the Colorado River
May 01, 2020 — Audubon’s advocacy put new state grant dollars on the ground in Arizona, helping restore native plant communities along waterways.