Audubon in Action

It’s Time for Lights Out in Philadelphia
March 12, 2021 — Audubon and coalition partners seek to make the City of Brotherly Love bird-friendly.
Audubon Spotlight: Servando Moreno Is Changing the Conservation Landscape
March 11, 2021 — The stewardship program associate reflects on his relationship with nature and embracing his new mentorship role.
How the Boreal Forest Can Help Protect Birds from Climate Change
December 07, 2020 — Nature-based climate solutions can deliver one third of the emission reductions needed to meet the Paris Climate Agreement.
Top Wins for Birds and People in 2020: Making the Outdoors for Everyone
December 04, 2020 — Audubon committed to becoming an anti-racist organization and partnered with community-led groups to make conservation and the outdoors accessible and equitable for everyone.
Top Wins for Birds in 2020: Policy
December 04, 2020 — We worked with local, state, and federal government to create lasting positive change.
Top Wins for Birds in 2020: Partnerships
December 04, 2020 — We worked with like-minded organizations and brands to promote bird conservation to new audiences.
Top Wins for Birds in 2020: Programs and Initiatives
December 04, 2020 — Our programs organized and guided our work to make the world better for birds and people.
Top Wins for Birds in 2020: Local Wins and Accomplishments
December 04, 2020 — Audubon is local everywhere. Our chapter network and state offices were critical to protecting and restoring the places that birds need to thrive.
Top Wins for Birds in 2020: Conservation
December 04, 2020 — Our conservation work throughout the hemisphere protected birds and the places they need.
Top Wins for Birds 2020: State Efforts to Address Climate Change
December 04, 2020 — Audubon worked at the state and municipal level to enact policies that help us build a sustainable energy future.