Audubon in Action

What Birds Tell Us About Climate Change's Threats
November 27, 2015 — Just in time for COP21, a new international report shows how a warming world harms birds—and what needs to be done to save them.
The Surprising Gift From New Mexico’s Pueblos That Might Save the Rio Grande
November 19, 2015 — Each year, the Southwest's major river gets drier and drier. A first-of-its-kind donation from local Native American tribes could change that.
The Fight to Stop An Oil Pipeline (On Rails) In Its Tracks
November 09, 2015 — New trains, terminals, and refineries proposed in the Northwest put wildlife and communities at risk. Here’s how locals are taking action.
Will New Mexico Lose Its Last Wild River?
November 06, 2015 — As the deadline for the Gila River diversion project looms, locals are taking action to save a critical ecosystem.
What Three Days in Denver Taught Me about Hope and Climate Change
November 02, 2015 — I joined environmental advocates who came together at the Americas Latino Eco Festival to share their stories and unite against climate change.
Birds Offer a Way Out(side) for Troubled Kids
November 01, 2015 — Students in Pennsylvania get a lesson on life while building a rain garden for Purple Martins.
For the Greater Sage-Grouse, Commonsense Conservation
November 01, 2015 — A collaborative plan means a real future for the western bird.
Piping Plovers Get a Protected Park in the Bahamas
November 01, 2015 — Thanks in part to the efforts of Audubon's shorebird experts, the plovers' wintering grounds are now a national park.
Audubon New York Rallies Support Against TNR Legislation
October 29, 2015 — This week, Governor Cuomo vetoed legislation that would have been bad for birds—in part thanks to thousands of letters sent by on-the-ground activists.
3 Ways Teamwork Helps Birds Survive California's Drought
October 26, 2015 — Faced with parched habitat, conservationists are creating managed wetlands for migrating birds. All it takes is collaboration...and data from outer space.