Audubon in Action

Migrating Manatees Delight Campers With Their Lazy Antics
June 29, 2016 — A surprise appearance from three endangered guests has everyone at the Pascagoula Audubon Center buzzing.
This Website Collects Obituaries for Birds—Here's Why You Should Use It
June 27, 2016 — Thanks to D-Bird, citizen scientists are beginning to fill in the gaps on how many birds collide with buildings.
Here’s Your First Look at Audubon’s New Birds and Climate Project
June 22, 2016 — Climate Watch is getting volunteers across the country to admire bluebirds (for science).
Life as a Castaway on an Island Owned by Seabirds
June 21, 2016 — Now in its 43rd year, Project Puffin rages on with the help of some very dedicated volunteers and interns.
Barn Owls See a Housing Boom in Walla Walla, Washington
June 10, 2016 — Birders, inmates, winemakers, and farmers are installing nest boxes to boost bird-powered rodent control.
Update: Measure AA Passes In California
June 02, 2016 — San Francisco area residents have approved a ballot measure to restore wetlands, offering habitat for birds and a buffer from sea-level rise.
Three Fun Ways People Are Spreading the Word on Climate Change
May 26, 2016 — These offbeat projects are raising awareness about climate-threatened birds—and getting artsy in the process.
Can A Little Bird's Big-Screen Debut Help Tackle Climate Change?
May 18, 2016 — A new video on Wood Thrush migration rallies activists in North Carolina and Belize.
A West Coast Win for Small Fish—and Seabirds, Too
April 29, 2016 — A landmark ruling protects vital fish species from commercial fishing off the U.S. Pacific Coast, and secures the future of seabirds in the process.
A Look Behind the Scenes at Audubon's New Strategic Plan
April 21, 2016 — As the National Audubon Society unveils its next five-year plan, we put President and CEO David Yarnold on the hot seat.