Audubon in Action

Proposed Federal Law Could Save Countless Birds From Death by Glass
October 13, 2017 — Potential legislation to prevent bird strikes, introduced to the Senate this month, is an important step in helping migrating birds. But where the biggest difference needs to be made may be surprising: rural communities.
Update to U.S.-Mexico Water Treaty Is a Huge Win for Conservation
October 10, 2017 — Audubon and its partners played a key role in the negotiations for Minute 323, which sets aside 200,000 acre-feet of water for environmental purposes.
We Finally Know How Bright Lights Affect Birds Flying at Night
October 03, 2017 — A new study, based at New York City's 9/11 tribute, shows that artificial lights lure birds from their migratory routes.
What in the World is Conservation Ranching?
October 02, 2017 — Your guide to Audubon's program to make cattle ranching prairie- and bird-friendly
The Ambitious Plan to Save Chesapeake Bay’s Shrinking Saltmarshes
September 26, 2017 — The marshes are falling apart. Hope for them—and for the birds and people that call them home—comes with mud, grass, grit, and optimism.
For Consumers and Conservationists: FAQs on Conservation Ranching
September 25, 2017 — Learn more about what conservation ranching is, and why it can be good for birds and the environment
Catching up with Brian Rutledge, Champion of the Sagebrush Sea
September 22, 2017 — It's been two years since an unprecedented partnership kept the Greater Sage-Grouse from being listed as endangered. Here, Rutledge, who played a vital role, reflects on the future of the bird and the effort's success.
Louisiana Is Restoring Its Barrier Islands to Defend Against Hurricanes and Rising Seas
September 22, 2017 — Funds from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill are flowing into the state, financing unprecedented restoration work along its beleaguered coast—just in the nick of time.
Once a Toxic Stew, New York’s Onondaga Lake Shows Signs of Life
September 21, 2017 — Thanks to hundred of volunteers, a vast cleanup of the poisoned watershed is wrapping up—and the birds are beginning to return.
What's at Stake: Making Farmland Work for Wildlife
September 21, 2017 — Audubon California's Samantha Arthur joined forces with dairy farmers to save the Tricolored Blackbird. The proposed USDA budget would see the partnership and possibly even the species go extinct.