Audubon in Action

How Hurricane Michael Affected the Florida Panhandle's Coastal Landscape
October 19, 2018 — The devastation to human communities is overwhelming, but the story for birds is more complex.
Plans to Build an Airport in a Louisiana Bird Refuge Canceled After Outcry
October 09, 2018 — Elmer's Island Wildlife Refuge hosts almost 200 species of birds annually. That seems like a bad place for airplanes.
The Discovery Center in Philadelphia Has Opened Its Gates
October 01, 2018 — Audubon’s newest nature center will provide outdoor experiences for all Philadelphians in collaboration with the Strawberry Mansion community and Outward Bound.
Led by Tribal Scientists, Montana’s Trumpeter Swan Revival Is a Triumph
September 21, 2018 — After two decades the Flathead Indian Reservation’s breeding program prepares for its swan song.
The Latest From South Carolina and North Carolina: Hurricane Florence's Impact
September 12, 2018 — Updates from the field as Audubon staff and partners prepare for landfall and assess the storm's damage.
Highlighting Nature and History in a Storied Philadelphia Landmark
September 07, 2018 — The Discovery Center in Strawberry Mansion will be an educational destination and a place for reconnecting with a long-standing piece of Philadelphia history.
In Harlem's Jacob Schiff Park, Four New Birds Join the Audubon Mural Project
August 31, 2018 — Twenty-six youth apprentices painted the murals of climate-threatened birds on the walls of a local playground.
A Native Plants Garden That Brings Birds, Pollinators, and Parishioners Together
August 30, 2018 — The partnership between Elisha Mitchell Audubon Society and St. Eugene Catholic Church in Asheville, North Carolina, is just one example of the chapter's work in the community.
California Is in Uncharted Territory with Its Raging Fires, Posing New Threats to Birds
August 16, 2018 — The intense, frequent fires the state has seen in recent years are not normal, and sometimes not healthy for wildlife habitat.
Cocktails and Conservation Pair Perfectly at Seward Park Audubon Center
August 16, 2018 — The center's summer series 'Restoration with a Twist' mixes native plants and boozy drinks for a rewarding—and tasty—experience.