Painted: 5/8/18
Sponsored By: Dianna Evans
About the Birds: In this colorful scene, a Red-breasted Sapsucker and a pair of Bullock’s Orioles feed their young, while an American Three-toed Woodpecker lurks on a nearby tree. These three species face uncertain futures in a warming climate. The sapsucker dwells in temperate rainforests of the Pacific Northwest, and is likely to lose most of its habitat as conditions grow warmer and drier. The Three-toed Woodpecker wanders through forests of the far North; Audubon has projected that up to three-quarters of its habitat could become unsuitable. Widespread in western valleys, Bullock’s Orioles can tolerate a wide range of conditions, but their riverside habitats are likely to diminish as the thermometer climbs.
About the Artist: The art of Australian-born Jacinta Stewart often celebrates her home country, including the symphony of birds that sing across its landscape. Her other passion in life is teaching early childhood education, and so she chose to include chicks in the mural that graces the offices of Washington Heights Pediatrics. “It was an amazing experience painting live on Broadway,” she says. “Strangers bought me lunch, brought me a cushion for my knees, and thanked me repeatedly as they walked by my mural as I was painting. The highlight for me was when I witnessed toddlers being wheeled into the pediatrician waving and blowing kisses to the chicks. That moment of the children making the connection made all my efforts worthwhile.”
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