
High Mercury Levels Pose Another Setback for Arctic Birds
July 22, 2016 — Gone unchecked, the element can lead to sickness, sterility, or even death in breeding shorebirds.
What’s Going on With the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge?
July 22, 2016 — The future of the refuge is still up in the air after a lengthy deadlock in Congress. Here’s what to know about the current state of affairs.
The Arctic Just Got a Welcome Reprieve
July 22, 2016 — A decade-long battle around offshore drilling in the Chukchi Sea is finally coming to an end.
Making a Home in the Strangest of Places
July 20, 2016 — A pair of Great Lakes Piping Plovers is nesting successfully—on an Illinois Superfund site.
Oil Spill Cleanups Are Dangerously Deceptive
July 19, 2016 — Washing off an oil-covered bird is only half the battle. A new story in "Hakai" explains why.
Building a New Future for the Colorado River
July 12, 2016 — Audubon's new Colorado River Project director, Jennifer Pitt, talks about how we can save one of the country's most iconic waterways.
Who Will Stop Companies From Drilling Holes in the Grand Canyon?
July 08, 2016 — As new mining claims threaten the national treasure, local tribes and conservationists are looking to Obama for help.
Legacy Florida Brings Money Back to the Everglades (Where It Belongs)
July 08, 2016 — A new act ensures 20 years of funding to restore the imperiled River of Grass.
How Malheur Became the Epicenter of Community-Led Conservation
July 08, 2016 — The Malheur occupation depicted a landscape locked in conflict—but it was far from the truth.
How Do We Save the Salton Sea?
July 08, 2016 — For decades California's largest lake has teetered on the edge of ecological disaster. But a new deal and action plan may finally be gaining momentum.