
Do the Benefits of Tracking Migrant Warblers Outweigh the Risks?
May 10, 2017 — Research shows that geolocators might prevent some migratory warblers from returning home, but those that do provide valuable conservation data.
Nearly 400 Migratory Birds Were Killed by One Texas Building in a Single Night
May 05, 2017 — Animal Services was able to rescue just three birds after a massive number of spring migrants hit a glass-sided tower in Galveston.
Department of Interior to Lift Bans on Arctic and Atlantic Drilling, Review Current Five-Year Offshore Oil and Gas Plans
April 28, 2017 — An executive order coming today will reverse Obama-era restrictions while issuing a review of the five-year plan for future oil and gas development.
Is That Legal? Department of the Interior Considers Resizing or Rescinding National Monuments Under the Antiquities Act
April 26, 2017 — The law that authorizes the president to create national monuments is at risk. Here's a definitive guide to the act and how it—and the lands it protects—could be in trouble.
Audubon Volunteers Are Counting Bluebirds and Nuthatches to Better Understand Climate Change
April 14, 2017 — A pilot program called Climate Watch aims to use on-the-ground observations to validate Audubon’s climate modeling, which predicts how birds’ territory ranges will shift in response to a changing climate.
To Save Albatross From Sea Level Rise, an Experimental Colony Lifts Off
March 29, 2017 — In Hawaii, conservationists dutifully tend to downy Laysan Albatross chicks at a new nesting colony created to ensure the species’ future. This is the second of three stories about efforts to save the birds, one egg at a time.
Why Geospatial Data Is Vital to the Future of Endangered Species Lists
March 27, 2017 — Satellite tracking and remote sensing might help save birds from going extinct, but collecting and applying the results can be complicated.
How Cattle Ranchers Are Helping to Save Western Grasslands and Birds
March 27, 2017 — The prairie is poised to make a comeback, thanks to Audubon's new Conservation Ranching Initiative.
Meet the Brave Bodyguards Protecting Belize’s Scarlet Macaws From Poachers
March 27, 2017 — To keep macaw chicks safe, a team of rangers spends night and day watching over the birds’ nests and homes.
Maple Syrup Makers Are Turning Their Forests Into Prime Songbird Habitat
March 24, 2017 — Through Audubon Vermont's pioneering project, sugar farms are promoting better tree diversity to attract nesting avians.