
We Finally Know Zinke’s Official Monument Recommendations
September 18, 2017 — A leaked memo shows the Interior Secretary wants to shrink four western monuments and overhaul management of six others.
What's at Stake: Reviving the Everglades
September 14, 2017 — Mike Cherkiss tracks Florida's crocodiles as part of a $6 million program that evaluates the $16 billion devoted to Everglades restoration. Trump's proposed budget would gut the program's funding.
On the Ground with Audubon Texas After Hurricane Harvey
September 08, 2017 — A tour of some of the affected islands shows the storm’s impacts, but also the surprising resilience of coastal ecosystems.
More Plastic in the World Means More Plastic in Osprey Nests
September 06, 2017 — The amount of plastic trash ending up in the birds' nests appears to be increasing—with dangerous and deadly results.
In 'My Life with Cranes,' George Archibald Recounts an Incredible Career in Conservation
August 30, 2017 — Over the last 40 years, the cofounder of the International Crane Foundation has dedicated his life to saving the world's cranes. Now he shares his story.
Meet Nine, a Fledgling Albatross That Could One Day Help Save Her Species
August 29, 2017 — The teenage years aren't easy for young Laysan Albatross as they awkwardly grow into flight feathers. This is the third story in our series about efforts to create a new albatross colony in Hawaii, one egg at a time.
Zinke Recommends Shrinking Several National Monuments in Covert Report to President Trump
August 25, 2017 — Yesterday's announcement ended an unprecedented and highly publicized review of national monuments. Here's what we know.
The Common Raven Boom in the Rugged West Isn't Necessarily a Good Thing
August 25, 2017 — The raven population has ballooned over past decades, upsetting ecosystems and endangering wildlife. To check the ravenous birds, conservationists are cleaning up trash and shooting lasers.
Watch ‘Birds of May,’ a New Documentary About Red Knots
August 17, 2017 — The film explores the growing debate over the environmental impact of oyster farms in Delaware Bay, an important stopover site for the threatened shorebirds.
Possible Border Wall Plans Would Be 'Devastating' for Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge
August 14, 2017 — Located in Texas’ Rio Grande Valley, the refuge features a variety of habitats that are home to a staggering diversity of birds and other wildlife. Growing evidence suggests the wall could go right through it all.