
Illustration of a prairie chicken walking on a farm with cows, a tractor, and an oil well in the background.
How to Fortify the Endangered Species Act for the Next 50 Years
November 17, 2023 — In the years ahead, flora, fauna, and the ecosystems they depend on will face many hazards, both old and new. These actions could strengthen the act’s ability to meet evolving challenges.
A Force of Conservation, the Endangered Species Act Faces a Fraught Future
November 17, 2023 — Fifty years after its passage, the powerful policy has proven effective at preventing wildlife from going extinct. Only with innovation and advocacy can it continue to do so for decades to come.
group of teenagers with two adults standing on a trail with green mountains in the background
Why Bird Advocates Want to Double Down on Conservation Across the Americas
November 08, 2023 — A bipartisan U.S. bill would ramp up funding for the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act, an under-the-radar program with a long reach.
Hundreds of dead birds laid out in rows on a large metal table.
More Than 1,000 Birds Collided With a Single Chicago Building in One Night
October 06, 2023 — Weather conditions, a pulse of migrating warblers, and bright lights combined to create a wave of bird death across the city Thursday morning.
Lush greenery along two rivers in a desert landscape.
A Proposed Reset for Public Lands Could Be a Big Boost to Conservation
October 02, 2023 — The agency responsible for one-tenth of the country’s terrain aims to make healthy habitat a more prominent priority.
Fire takes over a grassy forest floor, leaving black ash and smoke in the already burned area.
Meet the Fire Starters Restoring One of North America’s Greatest Forests
October 02, 2023 — In the Southeast, the fates of longleaf pines and Red-cockaded Woodpeckers are inextricably tied. To save both, we must remember how to embrace fire.
A huge cactus towers above other cacti and plants in a landscape.
A Bold Bet to Ensure the Future of Desert Birds: Plant Thousands of Cacti
October 02, 2023 — Can saguaro cacti that take root today survive the next century of extreme wildfire and drought? Tucson Audubon aims to find out.
Image composite of an overpass stretching over a 10-lane highway in a mountainous landscape.
Projects That Help Wildlife Navigate Highways Gain Speed
September 29, 2023 — Simple solutions reduce road hazards to animals, and now more money is flowing to implement them.
Green leaves with irregular dark bands on a tree branch.
A Fast-Spreading Disease Threatens a Foundational Tree of Eastern Forests
September 27, 2023 — Beech leaf disease is bad news for birds, which also may be spreading it.
A group of birds stand on the furry back of a bison laying in tall grass.
Five Ways Bison Benefit Birds
September 15, 2023 — A new initiative to bring back the gargantuan grazers could have major benefits for grassland species.