
How Hundreds of Volunteers Protected California's Tricolored Blackbirds
November 19, 2018 — Data collected from a triennial spring survey has helped gain the birds state-wide protections. Now they're being considered for a federal listing.
Baseball for the Birds: A New North Carolina Team Rallies Around an Endangered Species
November 16, 2018 — Inspired by the Red-cockaded Woodpecker's resilience, the Houston Astros affiliate has chosen the bird to be its official mascot.
From Canoes, Fishermen Guard Africa's Famous Shoebills Against Poachers
November 08, 2018 — Live chicks can go for thousands of dollars on the black market. So dedicated locals have banded together to protect the birds and their nests.
A Hunter’s Plea Against Poisoned Ammunition
November 02, 2018 — In a New York Times op-ed, Jim Minick outlines the many ways lead threatens public safety and the sanctity of birds.
Meet the Man Who Sang Like a Bird and Helped Save the Redwoods
October 31, 2018 — Charles Kellogg advocated for California's redwood forests to crowds across the country—while warbling from a giant tree-mobile.
Minnesota's Newest Sports Stadiums Take Very Different Approaches to Bird Safety
October 23, 2018 — The homes of the Vikings and the Loons stand in stark contrast when it comes to preventing avian collisions. They’re both also about to be tested.
Yards With Non-Native Plants Create ‘Food Deserts’ for Bugs and Birds
October 22, 2018 — New research finds that Carolina Chickadees require a landscape with 70 percent native plants to keep their population steady.
Raptors Around the World Are Still Being Massacred. What Can Be Done?
October 17, 2018 — A series of high-profile poisonings and shootings has drawn attention to age-old fears and conflicts that fuel these wildlife crimes.
How This Year's Devastating Red Tide Has Wreaked Havoc on Florida's Birds
October 12, 2018 — Sick Red Knots, Sanderlings, and Ruddy Turnstones have been turning up at hospitals in record numbers as toxic algal blooms take their toll.
Guardians of the Grebes
September 27, 2018 — To protect climate-threatened Hooded Grebes, volunteers camp out at remote, high-elevation lakes in Patagonia for the entire breeding season.