
Nepal’s Endangered Vultures Are Finally Making a Comeback
December 10, 2018 — A campaign against a lethal painkiller, paired with “restaurants” that supply clean carcasses, may just save these species.
Trump Administration Moves to Open Sage-Grouse Strongholds to Oil and Gas
December 06, 2018 — New management plans would roll back protections in seven states, lifting restrictions on more than 80 percent of the bird's most vital habitat
This Bird Breeding Haven Could Be Next in Line for Arctic Oil Drilling
December 06, 2018 — Current rules protect Alaska’s Teshekpuk Lake and its throngs of waterbirds. The Trump Administration is rewriting them.
Meet the 96-Year-Old Man Who Turned Southern Idaho Into a Bluebird Haven
November 29, 2018 — Al Larson has spent four decades building hundreds of nest boxes for Western and Mountain Bluebirds. Now these homes and their inhabitants are facing the test of climate change.
Congress Is One Step Closer to Expanding a System That Keeps Shorelines Pristine
November 21, 2018 — The Coastal Resources Barrier Act protects 3.5 million acres of bird habitat and saves taxpayers billions—but it uses decades-old, hand-drawn maps.
Go Discover Paraguay's Amazing Birding
November 20, 2018 — This avian utopia has flown under the radar for far too long.
How Wild Turkeys Took Over New England
November 20, 2018 — You'd be hard-pressed to find a turkey in the Northeast 50 years ago. Now hundreds of thousands roam suburbs where they thrill and bully residents.
How Hundreds of Volunteers Protected California's Tricolored Blackbirds
November 19, 2018 — Data collected from a triennial spring survey has helped gain the birds state-wide protections. Now they're being considered for a federal listing.
Baseball for the Birds: A New North Carolina Team Rallies Around an Endangered Species
November 16, 2018 — Inspired by the Red-cockaded Woodpecker's resilience, the Houston Astros affiliate has chosen the bird to be its official mascot.
From Canoes, Fishermen Guard Africa's Famous Shoebills Against Poachers
November 08, 2018 — Live chicks can go for thousands of dollars on the black market. So dedicated locals have banded together to protect the birds and their nests.